Wednesday, January 27, 2010

this do in rememberance of Me

The Healing arts: Communion

I am always amazed at the different ways I find God knows me, really knows me.

As I walk through this path of letting God heal my heart and life, there are these moments, I call them milestones, that God uses to set apart a truth, lesson, victory, or even correction. These milestones are like burned images in mind, tattoos so to speak, they are permanent.

This past week the bread and the cup have become just that. As I have been walking with Jesus through my day and really stumbling more than walking, but trying to keep my aligned "upward" balance with focus on Him, I heard the Lord ask me to pause and consider the bread and the cup.

Stop what you are doing right now Kristen. Don't miss this because I have something big for you.

My ears and spiritual eyes WIDE, I took stock of my actions and my thoughts, heart, posture towards God as I was about to partake of the elements. And then I was reminded of a principle I heard just the day before riding in the car, the speaker said we need tangible actions to match a spiritual directive in our life.

Hmm, intersting, the dots began to connect, hang in here with me, they will for you too.

Backing up a little, see I have purposed to all day everyday walk moment by moment with Jesus, living by His permission. Even for the simplest things. Because I have learned, I can not do this life even fifteen minutes of it on my own, or at least I don't want to because I tend to make a mess of things, then I am running to Jesus crying my eyes out asking Him to fix things. But instead my desire is to rely more and more on Him to keep me from those messes and mistakes.

So back to the bread and the cup. I clued in to what God was showing me. Every time I go to partake of the elements I truly ackowledge Jesus, I genuinely asses my sin, my motives, my heart, my attitudes. I wouldn't dare go forward drink the juice, eat the bread, pray the prayer with out having my heart rightly aligned with Him.

Ok, really getting it now Jesus.

And He in all His glorious knowledge of me, knew that I would need this tangible illustration to show me what He is asking me to do every day, on a moment by moment basis, genuinely before Him, keep the open heart and spirit, not allowing sin, temptations, busyness, life get in the way of that and thus allow my heart to shut down from Him.

It is the same action as if I were all day long going to partake of the bread and the cup, I am partaking of Jesus, over and over again spiritually, remembering to...remember Him in every aspect of my day. Keeping short accounts, taking every thought captive, letting Him guide me to do the God things rather than just good things. My dear friend Cindy calls this her dance with Jesus, or the fifteen minute plan, and I have to say she is the one who has inspired this in my life.

To practice the discipline of allowing my heart to be held captive by His Love, rather than be taken captive by anything else, is just truly walking free.

I am asking Jesus, to help me walk free, He is showing me how to do just that.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Featured Artisan: Sarah Nelson

Introducing the fabulous and amazing young design talent, Sarah Nelson!

She is most definitely "CREATIVE" in His image. But before I go on about that, I just have to say that I have been a part of this girls life for several years now and to know her is to know a pure and genuine heart for the Lord.

Sarah, recently married and embarking on adulthood, has blossomed quite stunningly into an extraordinary designer and life artist. Here is a young woman, wife, new home maker, college student, daughter, sister, and friend that is inspiring and motivating so many of us, not allowing her gifting from the Lord to lay dormant.

What has seriously stirred my heart to write this post is how naturally she has emerged into this new season. Though yes she has always loved fashion and been interested in artistry, this I believe is something more.

As I think about the Lord and how He is the ultimate creative being, and we are created in His image, I have come to believe that we bring Him the most glory through using the creativity He has given us. It is my firm belief that He desires to see this part of Himself gushing from all of our lives.

Sarah has tapped into that stream and it is flowing beautifully. She LIVES her art creating a masterful setting for Gods beauty in her every day surroundings. It is amazing to see the wonderful texture, colors, sheen's, sparkles, shapes, and elements that have so originated from God's creation, interlaced in Sarah's style.

Now I know we all do not have the same flare and eye as one as gifted as Sarah, but we ALL do have gifts and should be encouraged by her to use and share them as God directs. I know I have been. But don't take my word for it, you can find her lovely ideas and sweet spirited words on her blog Frills for Thrills.

I am so blessed to see this young girl totally put her self, her heart, her art, and her life out there for all of us to see. It takes some courage and a lot of love. And I for one really appreciate it! Thanks girl. We are all excited to see what God has planned for this amazing avenue in your life.

Have a great day readers, and share some ART in life today!
(photos borrowed from Sarah)

Friday, January 8, 2010

the Art of healing...


There is so much I could say about this, I will have to do this in segments. As I am sharing about art in life I have pondered the areas, aside from the performing arts that have had profound effect on me.

Healing is definitely art in life.

Just the word itself rings through my heart and soul with perfect harmonious sound. I have read about, prayed about, talked about, asked for, sought after, cried, prayed over, and received healing so much over the past several years that the very word warms my entire being, it is a part of me.

Most importantly because to me healing is personified in the person of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His word says, He is Healer and His work has proven that to me time and again.

To get to know Him, to draw close to Jesus, to wrap ones self and life around Him is to most undoubtedly surrender life and soul to the fine work of healing that is part of His very existence and presence in our life. From the moment we receive Him the work has begun in the most eternal sense of transcending from death to life. And for much of my Christian life that is all the healing I could really engage in, as I had no real understanding there was so much more.

At four years of age, for whatever reason I was made very aware of my need for Jesus. But it was not until about the age of 24 that I would begin to realize my even greater need for Him to save me from myself.

Lionel was recently asked "why is it that Kristen continued to pursue healing in her life, as most people run from it?" This man was very serious. Lionel answered what I believe to one of the most insightful things he has ever said about me, he said "I believe because each time God would reveal something to her about herself, He would also give her the slightest greater glimpse of Him, that is what kept her pressing for more."

Incredible. I don't even know if I could have said that myself until Lionel spoke the words, I had not even thought it, but it is exactly true, each time God would uncover a layer in me that he was doing a work in, He showed me more and more about Himself, and it was the actual pursuit of more of Him, not the pursuit of self, that led me to be healed in such powerful ways.

The beauty in all of this is that He is the artist that takes the black, dark, ugly brush strokes of our soul and brings new life, color, texture, and shape to make us whole.

I am so excited to share with you the journey this has been, of course that will possibly take several blogs, even a lifetime, all of which I am happy to share in hopes that the healing He has done in me will perpetuate healing in others.

"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound" Isaiah 61:1

I was captive, and brokenhearted, I have been liberated and made whole.

Thank you Jesus!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Waiting for paint to dry.

That is exactly what I am doing. Working on a little DIY project for my bedroom, which I may blog about later! But as the process involves waiting for pieces to dry before the next step, I have a moment to lay down some thoughts.

Today's message at church was very practical and inspiring. Our Missions Pastor Larry was teaching about spiritual gifts, you have them, use them. It was a very good reminder and exhortation. Which got me thinking about Art in goes.

Teaching a practical lesson about gifts.
Painting a piece of furniture to match my bedroom.
Making a beautiful meal for my family.
Rearranging the house to accommodate a party.
A great fitting pair of jeans.
Sitting by the fireplace with a cup of hot water.
Sipping coffee from my favorite mug.
Reading a good book.
Writing a note.
Taking someones picture.
Cleaning the kitchen floor spotless.
Learning a new worship song.
Long conversations about anything and nothing.
Midnight wakings from infants.
Late nights with teenagers.
A three year old's bedtime prayers.
A job well done.
A completed task.
Finding the right gift for someone.
Being home with the family.
Celebrating the start of a New Year.
Making plans with my husband.
Date night.
Going to church.
The body of Christ.

I really could go on. You get the idea.
Art in life, all of it.

It is exciting and also astounding when I attempt to keep track of all the ways that the little things in life inspire me.

Hope you have a great day, sharing some art in your life.