A wave come over me and swallowed my joy, my peace.
Tears welled up.
Why had I lost so my much time?!
I felt the anger too.
Truth is I know I am healed today.
I am strong and vibrant and loving and full of life.
I am a better version of myself.
And I felt indignation over the contrast of my former self.
What had been stolen from me, robbed, destroyed was not only my innocence but for many years the person I would have become had been taken too.
I cried.
I wept over the loss of that person.
And I let myself grieve for the moment.
I let the fullness of the pain seep deep into my soul.
I look up.
A posture to force my inner eyes to look up as well.
He is there, of course he is there waiting.
And my heart lifts as I search the face of Jesus.
And I don't feel but I know somehow that He caresses me.
I know that He takes my heart in His hands and says it is ok.
I know that His dying love for me has let me see what He has done for me today.
And I know it is enough.
I am enough.
I am who He has made me to be today.
I let my heart turn to gratefulness.
I let my grief be shifted by His grace.
I let Him love me.
I love Him.
I am the miracle.
No more time lost.

1 comment:
Not that I would ever wish for what happened to you on anyone BUT I am so glad I know the Kristen of today IN SPITE of what happened. God used horrible things to make someone so beautiful and what you have to share is because God was so faithful to take you through it.
You are my Joseph come to life and I am thankful that God has used your time in the pit to equip you for this time in your life when there are those starving for bread during their famine and you can have plenty!
There is a time to mourn and I mourn with you BUT I like this time of rejoicing with you better!!!!!
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