We met morning, noon, and night to seek the heart of God, hear from Him, and make intercession for people. It was an amazing week.
By the end of the week I was so stirred by the stories of God and really excited that our Pastor wanted to capture testimonies on video to be shared through out the year, for next year and to bless other churches. I had been praying all week that the work of the Spirit this week would go forward. That it would not end or be contained with in us.
Previously I had read Donald Miller's book "A Million Miles In A Thousand Years." This book really impacted me, it is a book about STORY. And I asked the Lord why is it this one Author comes in contact with SO many dynamic works of God? The Lord answered this, "because he(Donald) would tell the story." That struck me with such revelation and stirred my heart to be accountable to tell the stories of God!

I was reminded of the scripture in Revelation 12. "And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives unto death." The verse implies that we will share the wondrous works of God. Not only that, we will not love our life more than even being faced with death, surely video will not kill us. Now I know I am taking this a little extreme, however I really feel the message applies.
And I realize also that our adversary knows as well as we do the POWER in sharing the stories of God. We can not be silenced and we can not be fearful. It is not humility to shrink back from speaking out in a testimonial video, it is insecurity and pride. I believe it is our duty and privilege to speak. I believe however it is a tactic of the enemy to keep us silent.
Tell the story, tell your story, tell the wonderful things God has done in and through you. It is not because of us He is working though He is for us, it is His glory revealed through us!
Ah I am so stirred to hear what God is doing in you! Do tell.
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