Monday, May 9, 2011

Whats For Dinner? CAKE!!!

I recently have found a new obsession. Cake.

Not eating it mind you, though I do love to eat cake. But making them! It all started with the Cake Boss. We have netflix and i look for fun clean shows to watch while cleaning, doing little projects, scrapbooking, etc. Well I started watching Buddy and the gang on this show and I was hooked. I had to try Fondant! It was just killing me.

Well my girl was having her 18th birthday party and it was going to be kind of a big deal to me and Lionel. Because we kind of make a big deal out of her, please do not scold us. Anyways, I did not want to just dive right in and make hers first so I decided a test cake was in order! But first I researched the web.

Love youtube for how-to's and what not to's. I ordered from Amazon, the cheapest tools in the world by the way, Amazon rocks! And there I was all set to do my first cake. Oh it was SO exciting. I think it was combining my love for art and design with my love for food that really sent me over the top. Anyways I started in layers. Bake the cakes. Get them in the fridge chilling a few days. Make home made frosting and then get the cakes out, level them, dirty ice them(crumb ice). Then chill a few more hours, then ice again, chill a few more hours. I could hardly wait to roll out the Fondant!

I got all set up and proceeded to follow each step to the letter. And in less time than I would have guessed, it was a thing of beauty!

Love at first fondant! And that's all it took. that first cake, now I am addicted to cake sites, recipes, styles, and practicing for any reason at all!

Next I will show my most recent cakereations!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Joy. Comes. Full. Circle.

The sand on my feet. The breeze off the water. The smell of wet clothes, hair and sand wafting. The sounds of God's children singing, praying, crying, and rejoicing. The stirring of Jesus in hearts. Tears streaming down my face. This is the flavor of baptism.Hand and hand believers rush to the waterside with obedience in their hearts and a yes on their face. Loved one bringing loved one to the place of not just knowing Jesus but following Jesus. Ministers there greet, hug, shake hands, strengthen, and serve the brethren in this first step of faith.

I look on as I am overwhelmed by the number of Gods people in full surrender. Yet my heart is full for another reason, a mother's heart spilling over. God is faithful. And He has come thru yet again.

The sight of inexpressible and yet uncontainable joy beaming from my sons face. In the rays of the sunlight reflecting off the water LJ shines brighter for the purity and freedom of the love of Jesus that flows from him.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL Calvary Baptism 4/30/11

Redeemed, restored, renewed.

LJ ministers baptism over and over as the waves break over his knees and the wind carries the sent of salt, he prays and cries and loves strangers now turned friends, brethren, family.

A vision of a few years previous. Much the same circumstance, middle school-ers coming forward, one at a time, LJ's face beaming with joy, the last time I saw him that happy. The last time I saw joy in his eyes and sincere love flowing easily from his face.

Lake Bradley Middle School Camp 8/2008

Now he stands, not stained, not burdened, not shamed, not bitter, but free. In Joy, that has come as God promised on this morning as light has dawned in this end of a darkened sason for him and joy has come on this baptism morning. Full. Circle.

Jesus, thank you.